Category: Churches and monasteries

The monastery “St. Archangel Michael”

The monastery “St. Archangel Michael “is the first monastery church in Berovo that was built between 1815 and 1818. It is located at the exit of Berovo, on the road leading to the dam and the lake. The church with a large porch, built in the 19th century architectural opus, dominates the monastery yard. Inside, […]

St. Bogorodica church

The Church of the St. Bogorodicais located on the periphery of Berovo city. The church was built in 1972-1975, in the style of the Byzantine-Macedonian churches of the Middle Ages. At that place, there was a church from the distant past, during the baptism of the Macedonian Slavs who lived in the Bregalnica-Ablanica gorge, and […]