Traditional eco food producers


The bees breeders in Maleshevo give the best honey types- mountain honey and meadow honey. Honey can also be added in numerous food dishes such as nuts, almonds, hazelnuts etc. However the most demanded products from honey are ruminant and propolis, which are used in the treatment of various diseases. Interesting fact is also the honey in the honeycomb or honey that has not yet been extracted from the frame in which the bees have produced it.

Jam and Juices

The specific climate gives quality to the fruits and vegetables that are planited in this region. A Jam from strawberries, fig, raspberries blackberries are just a few of the traditionally products that you will be able to taste in this region.

If you visit the Maleshevo region during the early summer and late autumn, walking along the paths you will have the opportunity to pick your own organic forest fruits (strawberries, raspberries and blackberries).