About Us

Sport and Mountain Club “Maleshevska Korija”, Berovo is a society of mountain lovers, for mountain recreation, mountain tourism, for care and protection of the nature, but also of the cultural and historical sights in the nature, for raising the civicawareness of healthy life, to help, to conduct education and organize activities and events regarding all above mentioned and in the spirit of the sustainable development. It is founded and active since 2013 and it counts a strong membership, which number is constantly growing.

Vision: world order which will support the nature, but not the contaminated environment and will live following the principle of sustainable development.

Mission: environmental education, to be developed a world population that will be aware of the environment, of its direct dependency from it and of the problems connected with it, and that will possess knowledge, skills, positions, motivation and dedication to work individually and collectively towards solutions of ongoing problems and preventing new ones and towards general sustainable development.

Conclusion: living an environmentally-aware lifestyle makes a big difference in our existence, for us as well as for future generations. This is a great challenge, but possible mission, for sure. This is our reality towards which we strive, which we want to share with you and to develop, realize and enjoy it together with you. Together we are stronger und we can do everything, aiming at progressive and positive sustainable development.